Episode 48: Yield to Holy Spirit
As I shared in Episode 47, God has recently given me new insights into knowing Him and connecting to His Holy Spirit. He’s given me a new way of seeing 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 which lists nine gifts of The Holy Spirit.
I was taught to embrace some of the gifts of the Spirit like faith, knowledge, and wisdom. But I was taught to avoid other gifts of the Spirit.
Gifts like healing, miracles, prophesy, and speaking in tongues were not just discouraged, they were shunned and feared.
We even went so far as not allowing someone to become a member of our church if they believed in such gifts.
Yet, all nine of these gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12. We were wrong to pick and choose which gifts were valid.
My point isn’t to create a division in the church but to release us from the fear of these more supernatural gifts. I believe God wants to activate these gifts in us to help other people know Him.
God wants to use us to build up His kingdom.
I’m learning. On this episode, I’ve invited Dr. Cheryl Salem author of the book, Holy Spirit, to share with us. You can buy her book and learn more about Cheryl on her website.
If you’re skeptical, like I was, but craving more of God’s Spirit, listen with an open heart and ask God to reveal what new things he wants to show you about His Spirit.
If you’d rather watch on YouTube, see the video below. Please subscribe and help me spread this message by sharing this episode with someone else. Be blessed!
On this episode, Dr. Cheryl Salem, author of the book, Holy Spirit, shares with us. Pray and ask God to reveal the new things he wants to show you about His Spirit.
Pandora Villasenor 00:01
You are listening to the all gifts podcast where we unwrap life's challenges to find the hidden gifts within. I'm your host and author of The all gifts memoir Pandora Villasenor. With over 25 years experience in sales and leadership, I'm a cycle breaker who went from being a teen mom on welfare to earning a six figure income. I love to inspire and coach others to break negative generational cycles and transform their challenges into gifts. Check out the bonus content for this episode at all gifts book.com and subscribe so you don't miss a thing. Now, here's today's episode of The all gifts podcast Well, welcome to the all gifts podcast. I am so excited for my conversation today with Dr. Cheryl Salem listeners people who are clued in and tuned in right now I just want to introduce you to Dr. Salem and give you a chance to Can I call you Cheryl is that okay?
Cheryl 01:04
Oh please call me Cheryl it's pronounced with a hard ch.
Pandora Villasenor 01:07
Oh, I love that. Okay, Cheryl.
Cheryl 01:10
I'm playing chairlady don't call me Doctor because I mean, it's a precious title. And it's an honorary doctorate and I love it. But I never Jesus was just Jesus. And I love just being cheerful. I don't even like being Mrs. Salem. I am Cheryl.
Pandora Villasenor 01:27
Okay. Well tell us a little bit more about yourself. Cheryl I would love I mean, I am right now reading your book, Holy Spirit. I know that's backwards. But aside from
Cheryl 01:37
I got my dog, my dog eared copy because I use it as a reference.
Pandora Villasenor 01:42
Yes. And your YouTube I've been watching your videos and following along with some of your teachings that are going chapter by chapter. So why don't you tell a little bit more about who you are and a little bit of your background?
Cheryl 01:52
Well, for 43 years, I've been in full time evangelism. I've been on the road for 43 years. 44 years ago, I was crowned Miss America 1980 and traveled the world I had been in ministry with my family, singing and traveling all my life since I was a little girl crippled from a car wreck when I was 11 years old, told I'd never walk again, spent six years with the short leg doctors told me at 11 that I might never walk again. But God did miraculous things in my life. And it was really, when I was first introduced to the Holy Spirit. Because I grew up in a church, an amazing church, but did not understand the power of the Holy Spirit in the Godhead. And I lost a lot of the beauty of walking with the Holy Spirit until I was in trouble. And at 11 years old, being told by doctors that never be able to walk again. I was laying in a hospital bed, my sister and I were in one room, my two brothers were in another and my parents were in the hallway of the hospital, praying and believing God and expecting God for a miracle. And I began to experience the presence of God, the very presence of God, that now I realize was the one of the Godhead who is always with us. As Jesus told the disciples in John, the Holy Spirit is with you, but soon he will be in you. And I did not experience that being in me for quite a few years later. But his presence being with me became very evident to me, even growing up in a little country place called Choctaw County, not even a town out the country. And I felt his presence with me throughout a lot of trouble in my life. But when I was 17 years old, I experienced what Jesus was teaching the disciples, when the presence of God was not just with me anymore. But the presence of God moved inside of me. And I became the temple of the Holy Spirit, where the Godhead resides on Earth inside of us just as Jesus taught his disciples. And it wasn't completed until his death, burial resurrection. And then 50 days later, from resurrection 10 days after His ascension, the Holy Spirit was given on I find an interesting one of the feasts. Jesus was crucified on the feast. He was buried on a feast, he was resurrected on a feast and the Holy Spirit was given on a feast and I find it so interesting that the Holy Spirit was given on that fourth prophetic fulfillment. Jesus was crucified on a feast Passover, buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and then was resurrected on in that third day feast that that is celebrated in the Jewish culture. And then 40 days later he ascended with the promise to tarry in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit will be given. And 10 days later, he was given on yet another face that they celebrated, the giving up the 10 commandments, which we call Pentecost. And we think it is to do with the Holy Spirit. And it is for the modern day church for the church of grace. But for the Jews, it was the festival of harvest. And it was a celebration of the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses. So the word was given on the same festival weekend that the Holy Spirit was given for us. Isn't that amazing? It's amazing.
Pandora Villasenor 05:49
And it makes you wonder, and this is a totally different topic than we can really go into today. But I was inspired during my reading of your book, I started taking notes on the festivals in the feasts, because you do point that out. And of course, the very next natural conclusion unbeliever has is when Jesus comes back, it will be on a feast day on a festival. Wow, is it going to be the festival of trumpets isn't gonna, you know, so it's, like, really neat.
Cheryl 06:15
We, we could talk about that on another one. But you are right, I do believe it will be a festival trumpets for a couple of good reasons. One, he says at the last trumpet sound and the festival of trumpets, they blow the shofar, or the trumpet 100 times. So the last trumpet sound would be the 101, which would make the most sense, the Jewish New Year. And of course, the Scripture says in Matthew, no one knows the day or the hour. Why did they say that because the Jewish New Year is what they call the hidden day. They don't know when it is, of course, I do know a little more now in modern day, but that's why they celebrate the new year for two days, because it was a hidden day, depending on the new moon. There's so many, there's so many things that make it work if you just study and ask the Holy Spirit, which is why I think we are all so much hungrier than we've ever been for the Holy Spirit. There is a new season that we are in where the Holy Spirit is reminding us that he knows what we don't know. And he's trying to get it to us and through us, so that we can be aware and not be acting like we're still in the kingdom of darkness when we've already been transferred into the kingdom.
Pandora Villasenor 07:30
That's what I want to talk to you about the most today. I'm so excited to have this conversation. Okay. So when I became a disciple of Jesus, 15 years ago, I was taught from the book of Acts, you know, when Peter stands up, and he gives that after he gets the, you know, the Holy Spirit, He preaches, and he says, Repent and be baptized, and you will get the gift of the Holy Spirit. He says that. So I was taught that from the beginning of my walk, 15 years ago, when I was 31, I became a Christian. And so when I was taught that I was I was given the gift of the Holy Spirit. I took that to mean through the fellowship that I was in for 15 years, that meant you know, that the Holy Spirit would convict me of sin, that he would comfort me that he would be there for me, never leave me never forsake me. But that was about the extent of what I believed about the Holy Spirit, I knew that it was the third part of the Trinity. But I but one of the things that we taught against explicitly was anything that had to do with supernatural gifts of the Spirit, we were very, sort of afraid of that. In fact, I remember sitting we would, we would have Bible studies with people who believed in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and we would refute those gifts and talk about how they only existed during the New Testament, the only a gift existed during the biblical times and no longer today and if anybody was operating in any of those gifts, that we should be very wary, very afraid. And in fact, that it was for rent heretical to even talk about that. So
Cheryl 09:00
however, I'm laughing and I note because I know you don't believe that anymore. Right? But I'm, I get a little tickled because so we're gonna throw out the gift of faith then which is one of the 12 it makes it so not logical. No thank God knows. But fear creates a mindset that is not logical. Right? It was logical, great. know and love creates a mindset of what does God have for me? And what is my part? My part is one simple thing. Receive receive. It's not it's not spooky, even though it may seem that way to people. It is not spooky. It is as natural as it should ever be for a supernatural, creator creature to operate in supernatural gifts. And we talk about it when you say you receive the Holy Spirit, and you don't have a trouble believing those first few things.
Pandora Villasenor 10:00
wisdom you won't ever comfortable with wisdom.
Cheryl 10:02
I'll take that. Yeah, knowledge. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. You know, but we pick and choose like, it's a smorgasbord.
Pandora Villasenor 10:09
Yeah, I'll
Cheryl 10:10
take this. And I'll take this. And I'll take this. Obviously, that'll work for me. But let's throw this out there out. Because I don't want to have to deal with how that confronts me. And call it this. May there have to be an actual new creation.
Pandora Villasenor 10:26
Yeah, yeah. And what's really cool about this is God use the pandemic to lead my husband and I away from our previous teaching, love them grateful for the foundation in the world and for, you know, all of their teaching about Jesus making Jesus Lord of our lives. So we had lordship down, we had spiritual practices down in terms of reading the word, but our interpretation of say, First Corinthians 12, was completely off, right? Like we, we picked and choose which things were okay with us. And so the pandemic was a time where our church was no longer meeting in person. And so we were able to draw, the Holy Spirit drew as a way, and we were able to be exposed to this new teaching. And so all of a sudden, it was like, my walk with God, you know, that moment in the Wizard of Oz. I love the Wizard of Oz, where it's all black and white. And then Dorothy comes out color, right? Yeah, there we go. That's what happened. And so here I am now and we're in we're just learning. We're just babies or infants learning about these gifts, these more supernatural gifts. And so I just want to hear from you. You know, what do you say to people like me, who, you know, we've known the Holy Spirit, but we haven't really tapped in to that, that that power fully?
Cheryl 11:38
Well, I've been walking in the Holy Spirit for 48 years now actually received the Holy Spirit, from just being with me, to being in me on October the 21st 1974 48 years ago, I was just like you I was in the precious little country, denominational church that believed in the Holy Spirit. And fact I was a Methodist. So we, we said, every Apostles Creed, I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So I was confessing that I believed in the Holy Spirit, but was being taught a lesser version, a watered down version of what the Bible actually says, to fit man's comfort zone. And yet God is trying to get us out of our comfort zone so we can stop being natural, and become the supernatural creatures we were created to be when he said in Genesis 126, and 27, let us Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make mankind in our image, and let's give them complete authority over the future, the birth time be severe, though everything that creeps upon the earth, let us give them our authority. So the power of God was given to mankind, Adam forfeited that 6000 years ago, sold that birthright and then the devil has been in control for 6000 years, almost 5783. That's the year we just entered on the Jewish calendar. His lease is almost up. So demonic pressure has been increased greatly, as he is losing days of the leafs, then that Holy Spirit is putting more pressure on those of us who really believe in him to receive all that He has for us as Colossians 112. And 13 says, You have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His love, and to walk in the kingdom of His love. You means you have to receive the love of God, you have to receive the transference from the kingdom of darkness. And just like you said, when you stepped over, you might have been born again for how many years? You say 13 years?
Pandora Villasenor 13:50
ft? Well, it's been 17 Actually, I was in that church for 15 I misspoke. 15, two years now. So 17.
Cheryl 13:57
So you've been born again for 17 years. But out of those 17 years, you still lived as if you were in the kingdom of darkness. And when the Holy Spirit came, it was like, boom, your eyes were open, the light was on I left to say when I got born again. It was like an extension cord came out the bottom of my pants. And when I got the Holy Spirit, it was like somebody plugged it in that power of God and the light of God became a reality in my life, which lines straight up with the word. When Jesus promised in Acts chapter one, verse eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses or my sound to the earth and and that is really and truly what happens when you get filled with the Holy Spirit. It's like you know who God he is. But when you receive the Holy Spirit, you know him and then intimate way that creates inside of you the power of God. that, that causes you to want to witness and share and you have no fear anymore. And that that thing that controlled you that was like you were still in darkness. Even though you were transferred into the light, you still chose to live, like you were in the dark. And when you get the Holy Ghost, it's like, okay, I'm in the light, nobody can turn that darkness back on inside of me. There's so much light inside of me, I want to know more. That happened to me when I was 17 years old. I didn't even know that there was a third level of the Godhead that I could have. Because of the church, I grew up in precious little church. They taught me about the love of God, they taught me how to receive the love of God. But I didn't understand there was more. And I love to look at, at Matthew three, verse 11, where John the Baptist is talking right before he baptized this Jesus in the Holy Ghost. Yep, he dropped out to them and water. But when he comes up out of the water, he gets that he gets two and three, right at the same moment. He has father with him, in a sense, because he's come from father, but he has to step into who God created him to be, who is Messiah. And so the water baptism that we all should experience. Divinely is the outward sign of an inward change. I have received my Jesus as my Lord and my Savior, my Messiah. And then the second level that John the Baptist talks about is it says, I won't baptize you in water. But there's one coming after me. His name is Jesus. This is a faith. I think this is the disconnect the devil tries to make where we miss this. Jesus is the one who baptizes us and the Holy Ghost. John the Baptist said, there's one comment after me, he's gonna baptize you in the Holy Ghost. I think we missed that. I think that we think because Jesus ascended, that he has nothing to do with the giving of the Holy Ghost when he has everything to do with it. Matthew 311 says, Jesus will baptize you in the Holy Ghost. And then Jesus says to His disciples, trying to teach them about what's about to happen to them in John chapter 14, he says, Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe balsa when me and my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not for a while, would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go, now he's talking to them in a culture, they understand the wedding. He's talking to them about, I'm the bridegroom, I'm gonna go away, I'm gonna come again. They understand that culture, the Gentile church, the modern day church have no Jewish roots. So we don't understand a lot of things that Jesus was talking about. But Jesus was talking to Jews. So he talked in Jewish culture, Jesus was Jewish. So he talked in a culture they understood, then he goes on to say, you have the Holy Spirit with you. But so soon he will be in you. And that was what was about to happen to them. That's what happened. He ascended, he said, in the same angel said, in the same manner, he left, he's gonna come again, but go Terry in Jerusalem, because the Holy Spirit is about to be given. Now, when he said, Terry in Jerusalem, they didn't know what was gonna be a day, 10 days, a month, a year, they didn't know. But they went and they waited. And they went in the upper room and they waited. And the next festival came, which was 10 days later, which was 50 days after resurrection. And it is now what we associate 50 days with the Holy Spirit which you believe which that divine empowering, the Holy Spirit is the one of the Godhead that brings us the power to do life. And that's why the devil hoped you never received the Holy Spirit that you know who he is, but you're a little too Hocus Pocus, spooky, murky about who he is to have anything to allow him to live inside of us. Because when you receive the Holy Spirit, and all that he is, when you walk in what Corinthians says, when Paul says, Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost? Do you know that your whole body was created to house the Godhead? Holy Ghost? Think Jesus lives inside of us. But the truth is, Jesus lives at the right hand of the Father is seated forever in his position at the right hand of the Father, the Word tells us so and then Ephesians two says, And when you're born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, boom, you're seated there too. So you're already in heavenly places transferred from darkness into the light.
Pandora Villasenor 19:47
Well, I had to have tapped into some I mean, I had to have tapped into his power right because I go from this you know, lifestyle right where I'm able to, had to be through the Holy Spirit change 180 degrees. You know, I went from resting like a sailor and making bad decisions and using I had addictions I had, you know, pet sins, I had all sorts of things that I'd wanted to quit for a long, long time, but didn't have the power to do so. And then suddenly, you know, not to say my life was perfect, but I, you know, I quit cold turkey. Yeah, I stopped drinking and there's all these different things, you know, kick the boyfriend out that I wasn't married to, you know, all those things had to be the power of the Holy Spirit. And yet, and yet, I wasn't fully tapped in right, there was a dark veil over, there was a teaching that was over me that was keeping me from really tapping into that, that that full power. So how do you explain that? How do you have both the abilities of being able to change but then you, you're not aware of all these other things that the Holy Spirit can do through you.
Cheryl 20:53
Jesus said to the disciples, in John 14, anyone who does not really love me does not observe and obey my teachings. And the teaching, which you hear and hate is not mine, but comes from the Father who sent me this the first 25, I've told you these things while I'm still with you, verse 26, but the Comforter, the counselor, the Helper, the intercessor, the advocate, the strength of note, the standby, I'm reading out the Amplified, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will stand in my name, in my place, he will represent me, Jesus says, The Holy Spirit is my representative. And that's why when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to help you, we can't even get saved without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who draws us to Jesus. He's the one who says, Hey, there's a better plan for your life than the one you're in right now. I love you, Jesus loves you, He died for you. There's been a plan that's been made for you, that will get you out of darkness, that will get you off this path that you've chosen, and gives you another opportunity to choose Jesus. Oh, love that is the whole experience. All of that is the Holy Spirit with you. And that's what he says to the disciples. He says, The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send him my name in my place to represent me and set on my end, and he will act on my behalf, He will teach you all things. So when you say yes, the Holy Spirit was with you, you couldn't have gotten saved without the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit's been teaching you just like for all these many years, he's been teaching me I've been born again for 51 years, been there with the Holy Spirit for 48 years. And he will cause you to recall, will remind you of and bring to your remembrance everything I've ever told you. So if you've heard the Holy Spirit, say something, if you've heard Jesus say something to your heart, if you've read it in His Word, and Jesus spoke to you, the Holy Spirit is there to bring it to your remembrance. He's the one that helps you recall it now. He says Peace I'll leave you my own peace on now. Given bequeath to you, why is he bequeath it to you, because this is God's Last Will and Testament, Jesus died so we could receive everything God has for us. This is a legal binding document. But wow, I could have had a great great, great aunt that left me a million dollars. But unless I receive it, it's not mine, even though it's been given, this entire word has been given to us. But until I receive it through the power of the Holy Spirit, I don't walk in or live in or live with what's been given to me. That's why you get the Holy Spirit to the level you'll receive him. You saved him to a certain level, does that mean there is not more, always more of the Holy Spirit? Now Jesus goes on and says, you heard me out. He said, Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed and do not permit yourself to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. Verse 28, you heard me cheer you on going away, and I'm coming back to you. If you really loved me, you would have been glad about that, because I'm going to my father, for the father's greater and mightier than I am, and not told you this before to curse so that when it does take place you believe and have faith in me. I'm not talking with you much more for the prince, the evil genius, the ruler of this world is common, and he has no claim on me. He has nothing in common with me and there's nothing in me that belongs to him. He has no power over me. But Satan is common. And I do as the Father has commanded me so that the world may no be convinced that I love the Father, and that I do only what the father's instructed me to do. Now, this whole teaching about the Holy Spirit It, Jesus tells them and I'm looking for the actual burst is one little sentence where he says the Holy Spirit. Here it is verse 17, the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, welcome or take to heart. You see, that's what we have to realize. The world in itself will never receive the Holy Spirit. And when we are born again, but still operating from the kingdom of darkness, we can't receive the Holy Spirit. Because we're we might be born again and go into heaven. But we still act like we're still operating from a kingdom. That is like living hell on earth. So even though I haven't, we're pounding on them, because we choose to not receive the power that's been given to us. He says, because it does not see Him or know Him or recognize him. But you know, and recognize him. For right now. He lives with you constantly. That's what you're talking about Pandora, he lives with you for years. And all of a sudden, he says, and soon he will be in New. And that's the divine move of the Holy Spirit that began 2000 years ago and began what we call the Age of Grace. It's 2000 years on the divine timeline of 6000 years. And of course, that 7000 year will be the millennium. But that 2000 years of grace is almost over. And that's been the period, the reason we walk in grace is because of the Holy Spirit. He gives us the power to live through the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, recognized in John in Corinthians 12, and also through the fruit of the Holy Spirit. That is also the gift people cite, right now that anger and rage and all these things are so in operation in our world, but that's only because that's just flesh. And it's not just our world. The Bible lists all these things that are flesh, and anger and rage, and all these things are in those in that list. It's been going on since the fall of mankind. We just realized that now because we've got so much media that we recognize it can see everything in the world became very small, right with the way media is. Yeah, now we see it. It's always been here. It's always been there. We've been here,
Pandora Villasenor 27:35
right? And so what do we do? How do we tap in? So if you've been a believer, and I know a lot of believers that, like me have been with the Holy Spirit, but not truly receiving Him and all of the gifts that he wants to empower us with? Because right now, more than ever, just like every aspect of time from the beginning, we need him, we need him. We know we need him. And so how does one begin to make that change how to, and I can't explain what happened except, you know, I started to hear a new teaching. And I prayed and said, You know what, I want that. I want that God, Holy Spirit. If if this is true that you are not truly living on the inside of me, I want you to and I want you to live through me and I want to receive that. And I prayed for that. What else? Is there anything else is there? Is it that simple.
Cheryl 28:29
It's that simple. But I like you grew up not understanding the difference between Jesus being with me, and Jesus being in me, until I was confronted at 17 years old with needing so much more not all my life. I was hungry after God not run after him all my life, even through so much trouble in so much trial and so many hard times. In fact, I wonder sometimes if that doesn't make you run after him even more, it most certainly did me. I'm not advocating trouble trial and frustration. Jesus said we would have it in Johnny,
Pandora Villasenor 29:08
you don't get to go look for it.
Cheryl 29:12
He said you're gonna have it. So I'm just saying that in this world that we live in, it's up to me as to what I decide I want to run after. And I didn't run after the world I ran after God, even though the world was laid at my feet. So many times through after I won Miss America and so many things have been offered to me. And if you've know me and follow me, you've heard me give those testimony so many times. In fact, I believe when I stand before the Father and my book of life is opened, there'll be a whole lot of well Dunn's for not things that I did, but things I didn't do. Thank you Well done that you didn't choose to be that. Thank you that you didn't choose that even though you were born again and filled with the Holy Ghost. This was laid before you and you said no to that when it was a million dollars a year and you said no to that, when it was a great opportunity to be known, you said no to that. Well done well done. Well done. I think we're so hung up on doing that we think all the well Dunn's are gonna be good did this well done, you did this. Sometimes it's gonna be a whole bunch of well done that I led you by My Spirit not to do that. And even though your brain was screaming, do it, do it. This is gonna be great. No, it was good. It wasn't gone. And sometimes the well done are the leading up the Holy Spirit's saying, You know what, that's a road, and you can go down it. And it doesn't mean you'll lose your salvation. But you're gonna have a hard time if you do say no. And when the Holy Spirit says that, just like Jesus was teaching the disciples, if you love me, you'll obey me. Well, how can we obey Him if we don't have the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of us? helping guide us? Which is really the god hands voice living inside of me. People call him a conscience. People say I was something told me no, that was the Holy Spirit. That said, don't turn right turn left. Don't go through that light. Wait just a second follow up on saw the road and pray. Something told me know the Holy Spirit told you cause he's with you. And he's helping you. But when he moves on the inside of you, now you become one with him. And he becomes yours and you become here. And the literal voice of God is inside of your being leading you and guiding you and directing you. You get to the point you're so one with him. He just kind of has to give you a look. You know if you've been married long enough, you know that look? Yeah, yeah. Know that. Look, your mate. Yeah, do that says Don't say that. And you know what, from the look in the conversation with someone else, he doesn't want you to say that. And you get that so personal with God. But it comes from saying, Yes, I know there's more. And I want more Holy Spirit come and live inside of me. And he goes phone from with you, too, when you and you will get a new heavenly language. It is absolutely people who got Oh, that's the spooky part. It is that spooky? Do you think you're gonna speak English in heaven? Your you receive your citizenship language? When I start talking people? No, I from here. You know, I sound like where I come from. I come from Choctaw, County, Mississippi, I sound like a country girl. Because my speech tells you where I'm from. Right? When you receive the Holy Spirit, your citizenship of Heaven becomes a reality to you. And you get a language that you will speak for eternity, that language becomes your supernatural language. And all of a sudden it comes out of your belly. Do you know there have been so many medical proofs that when a person is speaking in tongues, that their biological brain, their frontal lobe where your brain is moving, when you speak, immediately when you start speaking in tongues, boom, that you're just go silent. Why? Because my brain is no longer active. That's why you can drive a car and pray in tongues. That's why you can work around the house or work your job and pray in the Spirit. praying in tongues is simply my citizenship language of Heaven. So when I said, Father, I want anything and everything you want me to have when I was 17 years old and vote, my left leg was healed. My back was healed. And I received the Holy Spirit because I said if you have it for me, I want it. I didn't even know what to call him. But I received this heavenly language. I was getting ready to go to college. I needed a foreign language. I thought God gave me Spanish or Italian. I didn't know what it was. But while I was happy for it because it was fluent. And out of my belly came this language. So I sing it, I speak in it, I pray at it. I don't have to conjure it up. It's not a feeling I just received it and when I received it, now I yield to the Holy Spirit and allow him according to Romans chapter eight, when I don't even know what to pray anymore when I can't come up with enough words when I'm so distressed over a situation in prayer that I don't know what else to pray, I just yield to the Holy Spirit and the price through me because one hates the Godhead muddy Lee he knows what to pray when I just merely operating from the best perspective that I have that Holy Spirit is seated in heavenly places and praise the situation through from God's perspective. Who wouldn't want that?
Pandora Villasenor 35:10
So powerful in the language literally.
Cheryl 35:15
I love the fact when I misunderstood
Pandora Villasenor 35:20
Oh, sorry. It's so misunderstood
Cheryl 35:23
up the gate. Yes, yes.
Pandora Villasenor 35:26
Yep, yep. And why? Why would that be? Who would want to confuse the church and strip out something so powerful, what you just described is power.
Cheryl 35:38
It is power. It is my citizenship where my power really comes from a citizen of heaven. I speak like heaven. And you might notice that when I speak in tongues, I have no southern accent because I have the accent of heaven. So when I speak in tongues, or I think in tongues, over the years of traveling, I have been in churches where I would sing in the Spirit. And I've had people run up to me and say thank you for singing today in Hebrew, I've been longing for my native tongue, or Spanish, thank you for singing in Spanish today. It made our church feel so welcome into your ministry. I have I can speak Spanish. I don't speak Hebrew. But the Spirit of God speaks all languages. And that's the gift of tongues, not just your prayer language, that is your heavenly language that you'll speak for eternity. But the gift of tongues mentioned in Corinthians is the ability to speak in a language that others can hear and recognize that their own that they are
Pandora Villasenor 36:53
laughing. Wow, that is amazing. And I think we taught so hard against it in our previous fellowship. I mean, if someone said they spoke in tongues, I mean, we would do everything to convince them that that was wrong, that it was so bad that it was from Satan. Right? And now, knowing what I know, I'm like, is this grieving the Holy Spirit? Is this what the Bible talks about? When it says, Do not blaspheme the name of the Holy Spirit? If you're calling his voice and his language? Yeah, then you're you're blaspheming, the Holy Spirit, right. And I see that now. And I'm just so in shock, in some ways, when I think about how the church has been, yes, completely over that. Yeah. And I just, it makes complete sense to me now. But you have
Cheryl 37:46
any way to divide, you know, anything to divide. So if he can divide the church, that's the ultimate of division for him. And if he can use the Godhead, Bobby Lee, the Holy Spirit to do so, double whammy from the devil to get the Godhead and the language of Heaven, and the power source of God to divide the church into a weakened condition.
Pandora Villasenor 38:08
So I would encourage anybody listening, if you starting to think well, hey, wait a minute, I have the Holy Spirit, I was able to stop doing drugs, I was able to stop drinking dry, we're not saying that you didn't. And we're not saying oh, I'm not saying that. I'm saying there are levels to our walk with the Holy Spirit. And I'm just so excited that I can tap in to that deeper level where he's with me, and he is giving me and he has given me this heavenly language to pray. And now I can say, I'm practicing. Because to this day, even though it's been about about a year, since I've been given the gift, about a year and a half, I am practicing and it doesn't always feel comfortable. And I don't always know when to do it. And sometimes I still bring that works mentality to it, like, Okay, I better sit down and meditate for 15 minutes before I just start doing it, I better be in some kind of place. And, and if I do start spontaneously do it while I'm cleaning house or something. There's some level of me that thinks, well, it must not be good enough, because I'm not sitting down and doing it a certain kind of way, you know, so I'm still learning and I'm still growing, but I do have it. And it really kicks in when someone asks me to pray for them. Because I don't know how to pray for them. And it'll just take over when I'm praying for somebody out loud, I'll just be, you know, holding on to them. And I'll just start praying and then I'll just give it over to Jesus, I'll just give it over the Holy Spirit. And all of a sudden, that language just starts, it starts flowing and starts coming out. And so I know it's real. I'm just needing to kind of overcome myself, right, I gotta get out of my own way.
Cheryl 39:36
And what you're practicing is not the Holy Spirit, you're practicing your yield. We cover a couple of chapters on that. It's because we we don't know how to heal, we only know how to work. And so but it's a gift. So if I told you, hey, I'm gonna give you my bracelet, it would be given to you from the moment I gave it to you, but until you learn how to receive it, then you make that feel like you had to do something to earn it or, you know, I'm not worthy of it. Well, that's all that Demonic Realm trying to keep you from being everything God had for you, trying to keep you from the gift of God. So you, you start trying to work for it? Well, you can't work for a gift, it's a gift. Just like your salvation, you couldn't work for it, you couldn't earn it, if you could, the Jews could have done it for 4000 years, but they never could. Because you can't earn a gift, you receive a gift. And Jesus said, The Holy Spirit is my gift to you. I'm gonna pray to father and he's gonna give you the gift of the Holy Spirit. And so there's even more levels than just receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. There's also the level of receiving the baptism of fire, which we haven't even talked about. I do talk about it in my book. But that's on whole nother level. Because you say, Oh, well, I've arrived noon, we're never going to arrive to relate the Earth. There's always going to be more God has for us, and more we can receive and more mercy, more grace and more gifts, and more operation of the Spirit. And what is that? That's the yield. I'm learning to yield to the Spirit of God. I didn't. I didn't start 48 years ago, where I am today. I learned and I've grown it's a journey. We're so I'm a sci fi. So everything in my life has been about the destination about the finish line about but But God's not a type A god is about the journey, his whole being with us. His whole being with us, is about the journey of our life, not the destination of our life. Even when we leave this earth, we haven't reached a destination, we've only moved into another level of living in the Spirit, and will forever forever be going from glory to glory to glory to glory. So the Taipei's are God, we all got to get over all this all the work mentality. Yeah,
Pandora Villasenor 42:09
just trying.
Cheryl 42:11
We're just gonna lay it down and say, Yeah, I yield myself to get out of the way. So I can receive all that you have for me today. Not for the next year, not for the next decade. Not for the next 10,000 years, but just to get out. And the power of God will get you through to today in the most amazing way, and the gods our path, and he wants to see you Pandora just blossom without the need of shame, guilt, works, rejection, abandonment, all these things that the enemy tries to thrown up and say you gotta get over this, you the Holy Spirit boom can help us like you stop drinking, stop smoking, stop doing this, stop doing that power of the Holy Ghost, all of that other that we walk around, like we're supposed to still have it, shame and blame and guilt and, and all of these things that the enemy tries to keep piling on us after years of walking with God. The Holy Spirit can go, let me help you change clothes. Let me help you throw off the spirit of heaviness. And let me help you put on your robe of righteousness that you didn't earn. It was a gift that I've left it right here for you to put on every day of your life since you walk with God. Just rope yourself with righteousness rope. Why do we keep walking around with the spirit of heaviness, with a spirit of guilt and condemnation when God has given us the ability to be robed in righteousness?
Pandora Villasenor 43:48
So exciting? I just one more question. Before we leave today, I just I'm a futuristic person. And I love like imagining what God might be doing today. You know why today? I feel like it's significant that people who have been believers for 15 years, 20 years are all of a sudden being awakened to this. Just all of a sudden, just their eyes are being opened right now. And maybe it's just in my mind. Maybe it's just because myself and my group of friends and my husband were all there. But it certainly feels like a movement. It feels like there's a revival of some sort going on. Do you sense that to Charile? And tell me about that? If you do sense that what do you think's happening right now?
Cheryl 44:34
Absolutely. I have been walking with God for 51 years and the Holy Ghost for 48 years. And I've never written a book on the Holy Spirit. And yet this year began and I heard God set right, everything you've been teaching, write it and then more and I began to type and I don't even take credit for this book because honestly, I don't believe I wrote it. I typed it it, but I don't believe I wrote it because the Holy Spirit gave me things that I didn't even know myself while I was riding. And I had just taken a horrible fall on my bike, I had really hurt myself. And I could only put my hands in my lap. So because I couldn't bend my elbow, so I really messed myself up. So I put my keyboard in my lap, and I typed this whole book in two weeks, and I've written 40 books. So I'm telling you, you don't write a book in two weeks. And no, I wrote his whole book in two weeks. And I Eve and I usually edit for like six months, because, you know, you gotta get yourself out of the way and take you out of the book. But it was so God, that and I believe it's because for such a time as this, we are in a season where we have fallen. And this is why I walked with God a long time. So this is why I've observed the church. Most of my life, we're either over here in this ditch, or we swing way over here into this ditch. And then we swing back way over here into this ditch, we swing back by over here into this ditch. And that really, people say, oh, there's this movement going on. I'm like, Yeah, I've experienced it twice as an adult is coming is that a new movement, it's just coming back around. I happened to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the 70s. Were a movement very similar to the one I see going on right now in America, particularly, the Holy Spirit is awakening us, again, to the power of the Holy Spirit. And I do believe it is a new movement. It's not a new movement to the earth. It's just a mean new movement to this generation. In 2017, I had a vision, I put it in the last chapter of my woohoo, worship book. But it was a vision of the whole, I was being caught up from the earth. And as I was being caught up, I saw a map of the United States. And the whole map was read. It wasn't read like a Republican Party, it was read like on fire, the whole United States was like moving on fire. And all of a sudden, is I'm caught up, the Spirit of God is with me. And I see these two massive tidal waves come up out of first the Pacific Ocean, and then the Atlantic Ocean. And the one in the Pacific Ocean was slightly larger than the one in Pacific, but not much. And all of a sudden, I realized these massive tidal waves are bigger than the United States. They're so massive. And I kind of look at them. And I notice that these massive waves, tidal waves, the Spirit of God called them were filled with people, millions upon millions upon millions of people were in these tidal waves. And like I said, they were massive high. And there were people on the top of them that like, had their surfboards, and they were excited. They were ready to ride this way van. And there were others in the middle that were more bewildered. And then there were those on the bottom, the wife had named paternalist. And they were already devastated over this. And so I said to the Spirit of God, what is this? And he said, This is my righteous revolution, revival. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's here. And I believe what happened was when he said, it's coming, it's coming. It's coming. It's here. This happened in 2017 2018 2019. And in 2020, I move up, the Holy Spirit hit our land, it turned loose, and then all of a sudden, these two tidal waves turn loose in my vision, and the one came across the West, and the one came across the east, and they met in the middle, and boom, they hit each other, and the waves and the water stayed over the United States, you could look right through the water, and you could see the fire up underneath. And the water wasn't quenching the fire, and the fire wasn't quenching the water. And I said that the Spirit of God, what is this and he said, these are the moves of My Spirit over the coming days. I believe in 2020 that was released on the earth. I believe what was meant for our destruction, God turned it to his fire, the baptism of his fire. I believe the Washington at the word is causing us to be more hungry for the Spirit of God to move for the Spirit of God to hover over the face of the deep just like he did in the beginning. I believe there is a new mode going on in our land. And people can say what they want to say about America, but America shall be saved. They can say what they want to say about this land, but God is released in His power and His purpose across this land. And even though it may be very dark in places, the light of God can dispel all darkness because we've been transferred. We are that light. We are the light of God. We are the light of God. And when the Holy Spirit is inside of us, we're plugged in and we've got all the power we need to be the light of God, the witnesses to our nation, and to our land. And do I believe this is a time for now? Absolutely. We are in a season of a righteous revolution, revival. It's time for war, and we have taken up the cause of Christ.
Pandora Villasenor 49:58
Amen. I'm so excited to be a part of that. And I'm so excited for this conversation. And I could go on and on and talk to you forever, because I just love your view on the Holy Spirit and the way that you've been walking with the Holy Spirit all this time, I'm just I just really admire you greatly. So why don't you tell our listeners just other ways they can find you. You've published books, you've got your YouTube Channel, tell us more about how to find you.
Cheryl 50:24
Well, if you want to hear more of my teaching, you can go on our YouTube channel, Salem Family Ministries, and you can subscribe to that for free if you'd like you can click that little notification bell. So I tried to go live a couple of times a week. There are playlists, playlists, playlists of this I began actually and during COVID, I began to teach the Bible every day I would teach another chapter and we went through books and books of the Bible. That's all on there waiting for you to do Bible studies on your own. I am teaching right now in the Holy Spirit. I just finished a series called roar. So that's all on the YouTube channel. And I also we have our website where you can order our books and our workbooks and my new worship CD called warriors follow me, because I do believe we're in a season of spiritual warfare. But our weapons are not carnal. But they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds through our Lord and Savior. But I would appreciate it if you would order my new book, Holy Spirit, and the workbook that goes with it. And just use it like a Bible study every day. You got it, yay. This all comes from me being a teacher, you know, I do my school of warships, twice a year. And I love that because I get to teach, I get to slow it down. We're there for eight hours a day. I love it. That's all on the website, Salem family ministries.org. You can order anything from there. Or if you are an Amazon shopper, and you have prime, so you don't have to pay shipping. You can order a lot of our books and our workbooks, particularly the Holy Spirit book, and workbook on Amazon, if you prefer that, of course, I always lead you to the website, but Amazon's great too. So whatever works for you. On the website, though, you'll find other things. You'll you'll find other tools and other messages and things like that. And we even have a jewelry line which I'm wearing some of the jewelry today. Yeah, pretty. So these are all the fun things. I am very Taipei, entrepreneurial, always had 1000 flakes spinning. But God's slowing me down on that he say in focus. Right now we are in a season where all of us who are scattered all over the place with the main things going on God's like, eliminating many, many things that are good, but not necessarily God. And he's forcing us and because Jesus is coming. Wow, let's be ready for His coming.
Pandora Villasenor 52:48
Okay, we can't we can't end with that statement without me asking one more question. I'm so sorry. Because I told you I was done. But I am curious, because you gave a timeline, right? We know that the Jewish calendar, the 5783 is the year. Yes. And you said 6000 years? Right? Yeah. Okay. So Right. With Jesus, if Jesus is coming back? And I know we don't know the time exactly right? We don't? Of course we don't. But if you were to make a guess, would we be waiting until 6000? So really, would Jesus not be coming back for another couple of 100 years at this point? Or could he come sooner? What are your thoughts?
Cheryl 53:24
I don't think so, because of Matthew 24 says that the days are shortened or the elapsed. So I think that even though I think he's going to shorten the length on the devil, than and I so we don't know exactly when it is, I do know, from studying for years that God does everything in a very timely manner, and close to the crucifixion of Jesus and the burial of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus and the given of the Holy Spirit. And, and I we do know from the scripture, that the we know, tribulation is seven years, and I don't believe God would just start that randomly on some year, since God's calendar is set up on seven year cycles, the seventh ones being the Shmita year, the seventh year. And so I can't imagine God starting the tribulation at a sequence with his own seven year patterns. We just have begun a seven year pattern. And I'm not saying that Jesus won't come in the next few weeks, he could very easily and that could shorten the that seven year cycle by few weeks, or but if he doesn't come in the next few weeks, I would say we have seven more years. Wow. seven more years. Okay, I'm just getting
Pandora Villasenor 54:43
goosebumps. Oh, wow. Either in a few weeks or in seven years. And we did just have the Feast of Trumpets as well. That was just at the end of September, beginning of October, right. Something like that. And it's September I think, yeah.
Cheryl 55:00
It is September 25. And and here's what we do know, Jesus is coming for people who are looking for him. So I want to be looking for him all the time, all the time. I'm looking for him at any moment. I want to be not just ready for his calming, but I want to be ready to leave. Because he is coming is not His Second Coming. The rapture is the coming we're looking for right now. And that rapture, not every hour, we'll see him that's at the end of the tribulation. He's gonna come like a thief in the night and snatch his bride right off the earth. And when that happens, he's only coming for those, not just who are looking for him, but who are ready to leave. And so now I'm teaching on Are you ready to leave? I know you're looking forward to coming. But are you ready to leave? Are you still so attached to the earth, that you're gonna be like Lot's wife and look back, instead of like, I got no eyes for the past. I'm looking for my future only. And this is something we can all work on through the power of the Holy Spirit. To remember not the former things, neither consider the things of all Behold, I'm doing a new thing. Paul said in Philippians, this one thing I do, forgetting those things which lie behind behind that. So one thing he did, where everybody goes, Oh, press toward the mark of the high column. You'll never press toward the mark of the high call until you learn how to forget those things that will have behind and so that we can all be working on letting go of our past, getting rid of those things that we thought brought shame, blame guilt in our lives, shedding all of that, putting on the mind of Christ, I have the mind of Christ, I'm filled with the Spirit of God, I walk in the power of the Holy Ghost every day in my life. These are the things we can do. And we can relate things we can do.
Pandora Villasenor 56:47
Yes, they do. Give me something I can do I just something I want to do. Well, I so appreciate your time. Thank you so much. And I am so grateful for everybody who listened to this podcast and this episode and please go by Charles book and all her books, she's got 40 of them and go to her YouTube channel. It will just lift you up and and get you help get you ready for these times. So thanks again. And I pray that you have a blessed time and a blessed day as you continue to just share with all the gifts God's given you. So thank you, Carol.
Cheryl 57:20
Thank you Pandora so nice to be with you and may the Lord bless you and keep you open up your mind even greater than you've ever been before. In Jesus name.
Pandora Villasenor 57:29
Amen. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the all gifts podcast if you enjoyed what you heard, please follow rate or review the all gifts podcast, share it with a friend help them discover ways to transform their challenges into gifts. And if you'd like to connect, go to all gifts book.com to sign up for the weekly unwrapping bonus content for each episode delivered right to your inbox there. You can also download my free journal prompts for breaking cycles. That's all gifts book.com