Posts in Relationship with God
Episode 43 Does God still do miracles?

My recent trip to Malawi, Africa left a strong impression on me. An impression that’s been hard to express in words. When I came home, I was so happy to see my husband, pet my dogs, and hug my grandbaby. I was grateful I could turn the water faucet as cold or as hot as I wanted. I could grab an ice-cold sparkling water out of my fridge, enjoy unlimited WIFI, and watch what I wanted on demand. But there was an emptiness I couldn’t shake. I missed the people I’d met in Malawi, but it was something deeper. I realized I missed God.

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Episode 41: My spiritual journey

Well, loved ones, I’ve been on quite a journey! I don’t know if the term Christian deconstruction adequately describes it but over the past couple of years, I’ve examined my beliefs to determine what I really believe and why. In this podcast, I give you a peek behind the curtain of my process that I’d like to think, has matured and strengthened my faith and relationship with God.

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Episode 39: Breaking the Cycle of Sexual Exploitation

David Peterka, Founder and Executive Director of When the Saints, a trauma safe home in Malawi for girls who've been rescued from sexual exploitation, joins me on Episode 39 of The All Gifts Podcast.

Listen to learn how God broke the cycle of pornography addiction and the objectification of women in his life and how this led to the gift of rehabilitation. Not just for the girls impacted by sexual exploitation in Malawi but for their oppressors as well. A fascinating and inspiring story!

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Episode 33: Breaking the Cycle of Silence

Whether you're a war veteran or abuse survivor, staying silent keeps us from the very thing that could aide our healing and recovery, connection to others. It can also create generational cycles of managing pain through dysfunctional or maladaptive means. Here I talk with author Peyton Garland about how the message “Silence is Strength” gets passed down through generations. Let's break those cycles!

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Spiritual Identity Part 3 of 3: Don’t Get Religious on Me

This is the third episode in a three-part series called Spiritual Identity that explores deconstruction and inclusivity. Not everyone who listens to The All Gifts Podcast is a Christian. I hope to make it a welcoming space for anyone. So, in the spirit of inclusivity, in this episode, I demystify and define some common Christian religious terminology and concepts.

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Spiritual Identity Part 2 of 3: Recovery Time

Did you know that our journey with God has stages? And did you know that along that journey there are times of intense doubt where you question everything you once were taught and believed? If you are in that stage right now, what if I told you there is nothing wrong with you? That what you are going through is not only perfectly normal but that it’s also really, really good?

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How can we evolve spiritually?

Episode 17 of the All Gifts Podcast, I’m joined by guest Molly LaCroix who obtained her master’s in marriage and family therapy at a seminary and writes about the intersection of faith and well-being. In this episode, she shares about being diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2020 and how she relied on a spiritual practice she developed to deal with this in the middle of the pandemic.

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Chronic Illness, Pain, and Anxiety

In Episode 15 of The All Gifts Podcast, I talk with Mary Kate Brown, a writer and homeschool mom of three little girls about her journey with the autoimmune illness Crohn’s Disease. Through the nine months it took to diagnose this inflammatory bowel disease, the birth of her third child, dealing with insurance, hospitalizations and eventually, major surgery, Mary Kate suffered.

When she was at the height of her physical suffering, Mary Kate became aware that she was also battling emotional wounds. She discovered that her inner life was affecting her physical body. God used her condition to unearth unhealed areas of her life and put her on a path of spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.

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What is the point of forgiveness?

In this episode of The All Gifts Podcast artist influencer, wife and mother, Chantel Deniese joins me to discuss how forgiveness unlocks deeper levels of healing, creativity, and freedom in our lives.

Why Forgiveness?

We have justifiable reasons to be angry, offended, or hurt. Maybe we’ve been betrayed, abused, or let down by people we trusted. . .

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How do you control your anger?

In this episode, I talk to my youngest son, Evan, about anger. His wisdom belies his twenty-three years. You’ll want to listen and learn how he went from explosive anger to gifts of love and grace. As the conversation evolves, you might discover, as I did, how anger has been a gift in your life.

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